Sunday 12 February 2012

We have something coming

Yes with this report you will know that we do indeed have something coming!

Ok the fact that we are alive in the time in which almost every single major civilization on this plant has at one point in time or another stated threw pictures and words, hints and clues, sometimes even cryptically , That we will come into contact with a power unlike any ever witnessed by People of this era.
This NEVER sat well with me...

So I in turn went looking for all of the scientific facts I could find on what we have coming!

Do you know what I found?

Well lets just say That the facts are far more shocking then anything I ever though could be. Yes It seems as though there is something coming, or shall we say, "We are coming into contact with something". 

When you rub your hands together what do you create....? Ill wait........

ok now that is the simplest concept to understand.
Friction creates heat.
Why do I say this?
Keep this in mind as you read on!

It seems as fact that every plant in our solar system is heating up... Why?... Well there are a few reasons and we will start with the first one off the top.... And the most understood as well!
The Sun
This star has become more active in the last 20 or so years with an average increase in its output comparable to A sudden Massive Blasting light speed Jump .
This is a informative site that lets you know some facts on the subject!   

(This link will open in a new window)

Next we will explore The next real reason
Planetary Pole Shift
The deal with this is the fact that when you tilt the planet down or up from its normal flowing spin. You expose the cold polar regains to solar radiation Which would render the northern light a full time appearance in in the hemisphere that is tilted closest! 
Also this would trap heat in the reign tilted towards the sun causing the "appearance" of massive temperature increases(only .3 degrees or so per year)  but would still add to the overall effect.

Ok now for the last and least understood but yet the most important and disturbing aspect of 2012

Our Galactic Plain

First please watch this short video! This plays a role in our history and why the accounts in history of disasters seem to coincide with cycles of Our planet colliding or perhaps penetrating threw this Accretion Disk which is created threw the inner workings of a super massive black hole in our MilkyWay. This disk is flat and dense. This means the accretion disk could very well be at least a catalyst to The heating seen threw out our solar system. But If you know like I know then you would say that This is the main reason why we see all these crazy changes happening!  

"This also has to do with why we cant remember These events and we must write it all down in caves each time the cycle eats at our DNA!" 
John goldsworthy

Ok here is What you will need to know in order to understand the context of this blob post:
"Galactic Day". As we ellipse around the MilkyWay galaxy, it is my understanding that we do not remain at a constant distance nor in the same orientation in relation to the super massive black hole at its center; a black hole the Maya refer to as the creator, or  "Hunab ku". Instead, we move across the plain of this black hole in a back and forth motion to this black hole. As we move in closer, we simultaneously become aligned with the MilkyWay's equator or "The Tree of Life", as the Maya call it. If this happends, we may become exposed to "Hunab ku's" opposing magnetic forces which would cause our Sun to eject intense solar flares and cause the Earth to experience a magnetic pole reversal (Pole Shift). In the years that we have been furthest away from ,"Hunab ku", or the Black Hole, we have been in a dense low vibrating energy and have been experiencing our dark spiritual years: These years have been part of the "Galactic Night". As we move closer, we become higher vibrating energy and spiritually enlightened beings: These years pertain to the "Galactic Day".

You can look on YouTube all day and never watch all the videos related to this enlightenment concept.. Why is that? Because it truly is happening threw pages and groups like this one who are not afraid of those who would be close minded and confrontational!  We are currently in transition from Night to Day. The complete cycle takes 25,625 years; approximately the same as what modern science have calculated and dubbed "The Precession Of The Equinox Cycle".

The "Long Count" evenly divides the "Galactic Day" into five equal parts (25,625 years / 5 = 5,125 years).  This cycle also coincides with a natural rhythmic beat that is derived from the black hole at the center of the galaxy in the form of an energy pulse. This energy pulse presumably has multiple effects on us and our surroundings. It not only helps us to become enlightened beings for twenty years, but can reek havoc on Earth by creating larger solar flares which can bring drought, famine, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and tsunamis. Twenty years prior to this event, in a period the Maya refer to as "The Time of No-Time", mild energy spurts, from "HUNAB KU", create a shift in consciousness; from left-brain thinking to right-brain thinking (from logical to intuitive). This shift can be experienced all at once or gradually at first moving exponentially as we approach the end of the cycle. 

Now There is one more Mayan calendar to share with you called "The Nine Underworlds". It is one of the most recently rediscovered calendars and may be the most important one, as far as the 2012 prophecies are concerned. This calendar recorded the state of consciousness from the beginning of time (The Big Bang) to Dec. 21, 2012. At which time, we will supposedly have consciously evolved to completeness to become co-creators with "HUNAB-KU": It maps out "creation" if you will. Humans will be exposed to a cosmic energy that will facilitate enlightenment. In this state of higher consciousness, we will recognize that all matter, plant, animal, mineral are bound as one. This realization will mark the end of wars.

Please use these fact to become aware that there is something coming!

I Never said it was a bad thing....
Man your all some doom and gloomers :)


Mayan Long Count (Great Cycle)…

Long Count Calendar (The Aztec Calendar Stone / Mayan Sunstone)…

The Nine Underworlds of Creation

Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled (part 1 of 3)…

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