Monday 13 August 2012

Man orders TV and Gets guns

???Like Really???
 With all that is going on in the world.... How would you feel if you got one of those sent to your front door and dropped off. I mean It was left on his front door step....?

I do not think that is the kind of mistake that gets made every day but  I always thought that these kinds of guns where regulated heavily in the state in question and even getting caught with one in your vehicle regardless of who you are, it is mandatory jail time? This kind of a mistake is not easy to make and most times is caught by managed over seers like the postal driver or the guy tagging the parcels. I mean some one should have know, you would think. But all too often this happens and it is chalked off as a loss.

  I seen it in Walmart. Yes I use to Work there so don't laugh... LOL go ahead! But for real They use to come up missing things out of sealed boxes And I use to have to check these boxes and let me tell you when you open up 30 boxes of cream puffs and they are stacked different then some of the others and missing one per box the equates to one full box gone.... LOL And the worst part is that They get paid for this...  Yes its part of there "Stop Loss Program" where as there products are insured up to some much pure bulk load of stuff. If  some of the products are defective you get up to like 10% of the load value to claim on insurance. And that covers lots of stuff too like theft and spoilage. Things like that.

I want you to know that they do this with everything in the world that is run in bulk... They could really give a shit less if they lost a gun or two. Its a penny in the bucket when it comes to the amount of people the weapon is capable of killing And if you think in terms of The NWO that's a good thing.

And see that is where I draw the line. There is no reason why this should of happened. As Stated before "Like Really?" Is there any reason in the world why A Fully Automatic Assault rife should be in the Hands of a person like that. And god forbid that it would have found its way into a place where people do not see Eye To Eye with the law enforcement!

I think someone just put there head up on the chopping block cause its going to be a long night for the persons responsible for letting there guns go missing... The government that is....

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